Root CanalsDr. Hickey in surgical mask looking at computer monitor

There’s nothing quite like the fear that hearing the two dreaded words “root canal” can strike in some people. Mad River Family Dental is here to help relieve that fear in you. We’re dedicated to making sure you stay comfortable throughout this treatment, which we handle just like any other procedure here in our office. You’re in good — and gentle — hands with us.

Root canals are essential tools to deal with teeth that are infected or severely decayed. Often, teeth that require root canals cause significant pain in a patient’s mouth, which is why it is important to schedule the procedure as soon as possible. Don’t let pain become a part of your daily routine just because you’re not sure what a root canal will entail.

During your root canal appointment, we may take an X-ray to see the extent of the issue, including whether it has affected surrounding teeth and tissue. We will get you comfortable with anesthesia, then remove the infection from your tooth gently and efficiently. Afterward, we will close your tooth with a filling, or if necessary, a crown. Multiple visits may be required to fully complete the root canal, but together, we will get it taken care of!

Here at Mad River Family Dental, root canals are nothing to be afraid of. They are highly effective solutions to painful infections, and we’re here to make sure you understand each step of the process and stay relaxed from start to finish. Many times, a root canal is no more painful than having a simple filling placed, so there’s no need to worry about discomfort.

Questions about an upcoming root canal procedure, or curious to see if you may need one to address an ongoing oral issue? We’re standing by to take your call — don’t wait!


At Mad River Family Dental, your experience is our focus.




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    • Monday8am – 2pm (select Mondays)
    • Tuesday8am – 5pm
    • Wednesday8am – 5pm
    • Thursday8am – 5pm

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